Exercising your brain to keep your mind sharp is vital. It’s imperative to your health that you — and your brain — continue to receive daily stimulation. That’s why playing games at home to give your brain a regular workout is highly recommended and simple to do. Why Exercise ... READ the POST
5 Ways BĒA Can Boost Your Day
When it comes to powering up each day, we know you have options. Whether you are looking for a more focused start to the day or a sparkling refreshment to perk you up in the afternoon, BĒA is your clean energy solution. Here are 5 ways that BĒA keeps you energized when you need it ... READ the POST
Published Study: e+ Energy Shot Most Beneficial for High Stressed and Fatigued Individuals
In 2020, Isagenix collaborating with researchers at Clarkson University, published results from a double-blind, placebo-controlled study evaluating the mental and cognitive performance benefits of e+ Energy Shot (e+ Shot) (1). The results found that e+ Shot, compared to a shot containing an ... READ the POST
What are Nootropics?
What could you achieve if you had a little more focus in your day? What if your memory was sharper or you could organize your thoughts with greater clarity? Nootropics are one way to support your brain’s full potential. Towards the Mind In 1972, Romanian ... READ the POST